
When our politicians fall to investiage or prosecute tax cheats they need to be voted out of office. I can help your states tax payers hold down taxes. It may be time to put a stop to businesses that cheat on their taxes.

Sales tax money is the customers money given to the business to forward to the state. Some states have sales taxes over 10% and when this money is not collected, the customers will be outraged at our politicians for not doing anything about it. Many politicians talk about raising taxes and they don't do anything about people who cheat on their taxes.

About 30 states have passed different forms of laws that help the Criminal Division of the Sales Tax Department recover lost sales tax money. There is no statute of limitations on lost sales tax money. If you know what to look for, it is easy to catch a tax cheater. Illinois and Michigan have recovered large amounts of lost sales tax money.

If your state doesn't have a law that covers sales suppression devices and zappers, it is time to put a law on the books. I can help your state put a stop to people and businesses that cheat on their taxes. Send me an email to see if I can help you. I am the founder of United Cash Register.

Thomas Talpai
United Cash Register & Computer Company